May 13, 1985
Higher Tariffs – Why?
Deer Creek-Mackinaw High School
Freshmen English
by James Landrith
Instead of imposing higher tariffs on Japanese goods exported to the United States, we should urge the Japanese to accept more American goods and urge them to build more factories in the United States.
Would raising tariffs actually discourage the Japanese from exporting goods to the U.S.? All this would do is lower, perhaps even eliminate the small amount of goods that Japan receives from the U.S. They may go so far as to boycott our goods if our government imposed higher tariffs.
The only solution is to urge them to build factories in the U.S., which would lower the amount of exporting done by Japan without endangering the little amount of goods they receive from the U.S.
This, in turn, would boost the American economy and help eliminate unemployment.