Calling You Out

Brad Spangler of Rational Review on Sooooo … whatcha gonna do 'bout it, America?

Lies. Not just lies, but lies so majestically absurd in their transparency…

You, Mr. and Mrs. John and Jane Q. Public, swallowed lies from the War Party about Iraq. You smacked your lips, took it all in, and gulped down every last pearly drop like a real pro.

You didn't want to believe that a politician might be acting like a politician. You wanted a feel-good action movie of a war to make everything all right. You didn't want to have to THINK.

You didn't want to have to consider that people all around the world hate the U.S. because of what YOU have allowed the politicians to get away with over the years. You didn't want to have to consider that an unprovoked U.S. attack on a sovereign nation might just possibly make that situation even worse. You believed that you had some mythical right to engage in willful blindness to the crimes you have been accessories to by failing to withdraw your consent from an evil and wicked system of "government".

You wanted a father figure in D.C. to make everything all right. As the saying goes — "Who's your daddy?"

Apparently Bush, because y'all have been acting like you're his bitches


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